Telework update – February 15th City Council Meeting

Most of you have experienced the confusion, misinformation and lack of transparency surrounding the implementation of the telework policy. Many directors, managers and supervisors are not properly handling your Flexible Work Arrangement requests according to the telework policy and procedure and are discouraging you from submitting exemption requests. This should not be happening.

We have a big opportunity tomorrow, Thursday, February 15, to ask the City Council to take action that would result in more transparency and accountability when it comes to implementation of the telework policy. Items 14 and 35 on the agenda update language in the Austin Strategic Mobility and Climate Equity plans that would align the City’s telework policy with mobility and climate goals. These items set standards that would expand teleworking opportunities and hold the City accountable to those standards.

We are including language in these items that provide for a telework reporting mechanism, so Mayor and Council are aware of the telework hours approved and denied by departments via the telework exemption process. Aligning the policy with climate and mobility goals should encourage management to do their part by allowing the maximum amount of telework that is feasible. The City of Austin can’t encourage the community to work towards these goals if they do not do so themselves.

The intent of the new telework policy and procedure is to ensure telework eligible employees are getting approved for the number of hours that can be performed remotely. These items on the City Council agenda for Thursday will help achieve that goal.

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